Saturday, July 31, 2021

Blogging During the Pandemic - Blogging Insights

Those of us who have kept our blogs going during the Covid-19 pandemic must be wondering how this pandemic has affected other bloggers. One blogger, Dr. Tanya, has created a set of questions for bloggers to share ideas around (# blogginginsights):

1.How has the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic affected your blogging? Are you posting more or less than you used to?

I would say, I am blogging at the same rate as before the pandemic, sporadically, several times a year. Still busy with teaching and everyday life matters, the pandemic has not stopped me from blogging or depressed me to a level of complete mental block; nor has it particularly energized my writing.

2.What is the tone of your posts these days, happy, sad, serious, worried?

My posts are still serious and generally cheerful (or so I believe). My readers can judge better. There has been no occasion to be particularly sad or worried about teaching though events have definitely taken a sad, worrying turn generally in Lebanon over the past couple of years.

3.Have you written any posts specifically about the crisis and its effect on your life? If so, please share a link?

Yes, most of my posts have related to the pandemic ever since it started:
4.What kinds of posts do you like to read these days?

I enjoy reading what others have to say about living in these special times: mainly teachers coping with distance teaching and learning - sharing experiences and tips; administrators commenting on the situation, and so on.