Saturday, July 6, 2019

Guest Bloggers Invited

Inviting guest bloggers with similar interests can add diversity to one’s blog. Guest postings are useful for both the host and the guest. Additionally, they could break the monotony for the audience.

If you would like your writing to be hosted on this blog, please get in touch. Submit a brief biography along with your topic proposal. Whether you prefer to post as  an anonymous teacher or not, please don’t hesitate. In fact, The Guardian’s “Secret Teacher” blog has inspired me to encourage anonymous blogging. The Guardian promotes critical posts among frustrated teachers who prefer not to reveal their identities. While aimed mainly at school teachers, the idea of that blog could also be relevant to those at the tertiary level with its emphasis on “the trials, tribulations, and frustrations of school life”. Here are some topics tackled by the secret teachers, to give you an idea:
- Disappointment with school focus on structured learning and assessment rather than enjoyment. A believer in play based learning found that approach soul destroying.
- A teacher suffering physical violence at the hands of a school child.
- Dyslexic students not receiving sufficient support on exams.
- Mental health issues amongst pupils under pressure to perform.
- A teacher bullied by her superior.

University students with ideas worth sharing are also welcome. I look forward to hearing from you.